Every year, we gather a group of youngsters from our surrounding communities to fill the educational gap they have and train them for the job market. This is how we’ve been doing things since 2012 when we started the project and, at the end of the course, students receive a certificate and graduate with real chances of getting a job.
Providing professional education to youngsters from neglected groups is an inspiring strategy of social change and corporate citizenship. In addition to professional development, theory and practice classes in various areas enable them to develop behavioral skills.
The fulfillment of this mission involves the participation of volunteer employees from Siemens Group companies and Siemens Energy Brazil, through Fundação Siemens’ Volunteer Program, who participate and dedicate their time to the purpose of providing means and creating opportunities for these youngsters to change their destiny.
youngsters benefitted by the Program (2013-2023)
employed internally and externally
hours of volunteer work